пятница, 25 февраля 2011 г.

What do we mean when we say HOME?

Since childhood I was traveling around the world with my parents. But I never was able to decide which place,which country is my real home?!I wasn't that type if a kid who liked to play with dolls and pets, I was a pain in the ass,lets say. I hated pink(still hate), i loved sharks and snakes, I was a daredevil and fought better than any guy.Girls never liked me and I didn't like them too. I always liked to travel, but now when I grew up I've got a chance to make a purchase.So lets count with me: Russia,Cyprus,Denmark,Italy,Turkey,Egypt,Thailand,China,Cambodia,Vatican city,Malta,England,Vietnam,Finland,Spain,Tunis,Bali,india. And that is just beginning)
Have you ever seen something more exciting and wonderful?
Today I'v like to talk about Thailand, I actually can call it my home. Thailand is a country of rising sun and Bangkok has the best shopping ever. Thai people have amazing unbelievable, unusual, shocking, stylish.(http://www.siamparagon.co.th/v3/index2.html) Check this, the best shop ever. It took me one week to see all shops. I'm a biggest fan of food im just addicted to it, Siam Paragon has the biggest food section in all Asia.Ice cream with red paper,delicious duck ever, hamburgers,exotic food and Dankin Donuts.

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